Saturday, March 21, 2015


So the first day of spring definitely gave us all of it! I just can't imagine a better day than this one, and with my good mood the pics always turn out amazing. For this outfit I decided to go with the military theme where I was dragged by these olive pants which I've had for so long, but somehow never wore them here. I wanted a pair of simple white sneakers for some time now so this is the pair I'm currently obsessing about. They are so comfy and go well with a lot of outfits, so I'll be definitely wearing them all the time. Enjoy the weekend and I'll be seeing  you soon! Kisses, Anja

I napokon nam je stiglo proleće! Današnji dan nije mogao biti lepši, a sa mojim dobrim raspoloženjem i slike uvek ispadnu odlično. Za ovaj autfit sam se odlučila za neku vojničku temu u koju su me uvukle ove maslinasto zelene pantalone koje imam prilično dugo, ali još nikad nisu bile na blogu. Dugo sam želela par jednostavnih belih patika i mislim da sam sa ovima napravila pun pogodak zato što ih bukvalno ne skidam. Jako se udobne i idu uz dosta kombinacija, tako da već vidim da će one ove godine biti moja opsesija. Želim vam lep vikend i vidimo se uskoro :) Anja


Shirt from Lovely Wholesale combo - HERE
Scarf by my mom 
Pants - non branded
H&M bag
Reebok classic sneakers
Swatch watch

Sunday, March 8, 2015


First of all, I want to wish all my ladies happy Women's day, today it's all about us so don't resist to take the best out this day and look spectacular! You all know I'm crazy about burgundy so this combo from Lovely Wholesale is my soul mate! When I received my package I couldn't believe the quality of the skirt, which is by the way a total dupe for Zara's black one from the new collection, and it's only 7,99$ on the site! You can pair it with the black or nude, which I think I maybe even like more, but I had to show you my new little Boybag replica, so I sticked with the black combo. Links to all the products are down below! Have an amazing day, kisses :*

Drage moje, želim vam srećan Dan žena, danas je samo naš dan tako da nemoj da propustite priliku da izgledate izvanredno kao i uvek! Znate koliko ja obožavam ovu boju, što bi kod nas rekli ''trula višnja'', tako da je ova kombinacija sa Lovely Wholesale-a prosto stvorena za mene! Kad mi je stigao paket nisam mogla da verujem koliko je dobar materijal suknje, koja je inače totalna kopija Zarine crne iz nove kolekcije, a ovu možete naći na sajtu za samo 8 dolara! Lepo ide u kombinaciji sa crnom i sa bojom pudera, koja se meni čak možda i više sviđa, ali sam za ovaj post ipak izabrala crnu. Linkove za sve stvari sa slike imate ispod, a ako imate neke nedoumice možete me slobodno kontaktirati na Želim vam predivan 8. mart! Anja :*


Skirt from Lovely Wholesale - HERE

Shirt from Lovely Wholesale - HERE

Bag from Republic
Heels - non branded
Leather jacket from Greece

Follow me on instagram for all the updates! 

Monday, March 2, 2015


Let's just remind ourselves of how sunny and warm was last week while it's raining outside... My mood for shooting outfit is definitely not agreeing with the weather. Every time when I have time and will, the rain starts pouring like crazy, so here is one outfit from last week for you. Pink sneakers are probably not something that I would buy now, but when I found these high top Vans in my closet from few years ago, I just fell in love with them all over again. I wore them just a few times because they are extremely uncomfortable, so they are like new, and I like how they are going with my Zara jacket with all this denim style, so I'll surely start wearing them again for this spring! Kisses, Anja

Pa hajde da se podsetimo malo kako je topla bila prošla nedelja dok napolju lije kiša... Moja želja za slikanjem se definitivno ne slaže sa vremenom. Svaki put kad imam vremena i želje, kiša počne da pada kao luda, tako da evo jednog autfita koji sam uspela da slikam po suncu prošle nedelje. Roze patike su verovatno nešto što ne bih kupila sad, ali kad sam iskopala ove Vansice od pre par godina iz ormara, ponovo sam se zaljubila u njih! Nosila sam ih samo par puta zato što su jako neudobne, tako da su ostale skroz nove, ali mi se jako svidja kako idu uz Zarinu jaknu i svetao teksas tako da ću ih sigurno nositi ovog proleća. Anja ;* 


Zara jacket 
Pull&Bear jeans
Terranova sweater 
Vans sneakers 
Denim shirt - non branded
Swatch watch