So the first day of spring definitely gave us all of it! I just can't imagine a better day than this one, and with my good mood the pics always turn out amazing. For this outfit I decided to go with the military theme where I was dragged by these olive pants which I've had for so long, but somehow never wore them here. I wanted a pair of simple white sneakers for some time now so this is the pair I'm currently obsessing about. They are so comfy and go well with a lot of outfits, so I'll be definitely wearing them all the time. Enjoy the weekend and I'll be seeing you soon! Kisses, Anja
I napokon nam je stiglo proleće! Današnji dan nije mogao biti lepši, a sa mojim dobrim raspoloženjem i slike uvek ispadnu odlično. Za ovaj autfit sam se odlučila za neku vojničku temu u koju su me uvukle ove maslinasto zelene pantalone koje imam prilično dugo, ali još nikad nisu bile na blogu. Dugo sam želela par jednostavnih belih patika i mislim da sam sa ovima napravila pun pogodak zato što ih bukvalno ne skidam. Jako se udobne i idu uz dosta kombinacija, tako da već vidim da će one ove godine biti moja opsesija. Želim vam lep vikend i vidimo se uskoro :) Anja
Shirt from Lovely Wholesale combo - HERE
Scarf by my mom
Pants - non branded
H&M bag
Reebok classic sneakers
Swatch watch